Monday, November 8, 2010

Some of our favorite Wildlife

Environmental advertising... fighting that bad pr
this is a deadly viper that gives birth to live babies. it moved into our kitchen and i held it down while we cut off its head. it was over three feet long. big. beautiful. i didn't feel right killing it but it was the group decision and it couldn´t live with us. it was an interesting morning.
in manuel antonio
in our hoop house
ants are literally everywhere here. these are eating some honey i dripped on the counter. everywhere.
cool huh? shannon took it. no idea what it is
lots and lots of these butterflies flying along our swales. at the right time you can see them 20 at a time fluttering around
its sooo pretty... this is my favorite plant on the farm, there are a bunch of them and no one knows what it is aside from that it is probably not edible, however beautiful.

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